Ordering all transactions is overwhelming – yet still needed to make most out of taxes. For this, Lunafi is releasing a new automation feature to help users lower classification efforts we are calling “Rules”
This is the most requested feature request from our users to date, especially for the subscriptions our users use for their work: “Do I need to classify everything manually?” - Lunafi User
Users will be able to create a rule for any transaction:
Lunafi already auto excludes these transactions as they are not relevant to be classified as an earning or spending.
You can filter your auto classified transactions on the Transactions Tab with visual cues on classified cards.
Classification is redundant. We want to make more time for freelancers to focus on their work. Let us do the redundant work.
We will continue to provide product updates to our current users. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to the Lunafi team with any questions, and please share Lunafi to your friends in the Freelance community!
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