How To Grow Your Business On Social Media

June 10, 2021

The world has gone digital. And so is everything in it. Ranging from companies, both small and large scale businesses, entrepreneurs, and all. Online presence has become a necessity for businesses to thrive. Every day, clients and consumers are online searching for different products and if your product is not online, well, you might be losing out on about 4.72 billion prospects who use the internet. That's not good for business.

Digital marketing is, undoubtedly, the way to grab the attention of today’s tech-savvy consumers. There are various tactics you can implement, including search engine marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing.

Social media, for one, is an amazing tool for businesses to thrive and achieve exponential growth at little to no cost. 

However, creating a presence on social media seems a lot easier than growing and maintaining the growth. There are hacks and techniques to growing your business on social media, and knowing, and employing these techniques, and tools are key to the success of your business. 

We will consider simple and effective ways to grow your business online. 

Strategize and Choose The Best Platform

It's easy to create an account on any of the social media platforms. In fact, chances are you're already active on social media. So, creating an account on Twitter, Instagram, etc is very easy. 

However, without proper strategy put in place, you just might not get past opening an account on the platform. 

Not to sound too cliche, but every good business strategy starts with a good plan. Without a good plan, you have no clear goal for what you set out to achieve. Hence,  there is no way to measure your return on that investment. 

Examining the success of your competitors is also part of a good plan. While you don't have to copy what they do, you should watch them closely, and pick up one or two things from them. 

A good plan, also, includes choosing the right platform for your business. This is key to deciding where your customers are. 

More so, you can use different social media platforms to meet different goals. For example, you could use Facebook to build your audience and generate leads, and Twitter for customer service. 

Start with the one that resonates the most with you—the one that comes the most naturally to you.

Build Relationships With Consistency 

One of the perks of social media marketing is that it avails you the opportunity of building a relationship with your prospects and followers.  

After you have identified your target audience, you can easily tailor your offer to meet their needs with a good relationship. All this can only happen through consistency. 

Your consistency creates an online presence for you, and your followers know who you are as a brand and what you stand for. More so, as you build your business gradually, your followers and fans will share and like your content, as a result, you rise in the social algorithms. That's why consistency is very essential to the growth of your business. You can't stop talking about your business regularly. 

The first few weeks, or even months, might be a little tough, but your goal coupled with consistency is what will keep you going. 

Facilitating good relationships can also help you build a loyal community that will lead to ongoing sales over time. Although new customer acquisition is great, never underestimate the value of customer retention. 

However, when people engage with your organic content or ads, it’s a great idea to engage back. This helps to build trust and form a loyal following. It's a win-win situation. 

Optimize Your Content and Pay Attention To Trends

The internet is ever dynamic. What works today might not tomorrow. What works on Instagram might not work on Youtube. That's where optimization comes in. 

It's not enough to build relationships when your content and offers are either obsolete or significantly too expensive.

You should pay attention to trends on social media and understand what your prospects are searching for. That will help you optimize your content and offers. 

More importantly, whatever social media platform you choose to explore, create quality content always. That, seemingly, is the easiest way to optimize your business. Be Human. No engagement pods. Post quality content. That's just very basic and you can't fake it.

Also, switch up your post formats regularly.  If you commonly post GIFs, try a JPG. If you normally post videos, try still images. Maximize all the formats within each social network, like Stories, or Reels, or Live video. All this will help you understand the format that works best for your customers and also boosts your content's reach. 

Above all, your main goal is to offer value to customers. Anything that is not offering value should not be on your page. Of course, it's okay to spice it up with a few memes but it must be moderate. 

So, there you have it. Go on and grow your business.

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